Resolution regarding the Oregon Secretary of State Mis/Dis/Mal information contract
Joel Pawloski
Resolution regarding the Oregon Secretary of State Mis/Dis/Mal information contract
Whereas Freedom of Speech is a bedrock foundational principle of the United States
Whereas Freedom of Association is a bedrock foundational principle of the United States
Whereas Freedom of Religion is a bedrock foundational principle of the United States
Whereas Freedom of the Press is a bedrock foundational principle of the United States
Whereas redress of grievances is a bedrock foundational principle of the United States and essential to the proper functioning of government
Whereas the government of the State of Oregon has engaged a foreign contractor to monitor and surveil the speech of the citizens of Oregon
Whereas the government of the State of Oregon has engaged a foreign contractor to monitor and surveil for the purpose of labeling the speech of the citizens of Oregon
Whereas the government of the State of Oregon has appointed itself as the determiner of acceptable speech in violation of the US and Oregon constitutions.
Whereas the government of the State of Oregon has engaged a foreign contractor to report the speech and associated meta data of Oregon citizens to authorities and social media companies for adjudication.
Whereas the government of the State of Oregon has employed a foreign private entity to monitor and surveil information regarding elections, a topic often in the press MDM will interfere, with the ability of the Oregon press to report on this and other issues accurately and completely.
Whereas the government of the State of Oregon has employed a foreign private entity to do this monitoring and surveillance, denying the Oregon people of the ability to address a grievance regarding this action.
Whereas the government of the State of Oregon has employed a foreign private entity to monitor and surveil information regarding elections a topic of discussion among many groups of Oregonians, this action will interfere with the free association of Oregon Citizens.
Be it resolved, the Marion County Republican Party opposes this government overreach of power interfering in the rights of Oregonian citizens in the strongest possible terms and urges the Oregon legislators to pass a bill outlawing the foreign or domestic (without a warrant) monitoring or surveillance of Oregon Citizens.
Joel S Pawloski LCT(R), Chair
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